The Wild Horse and Burro EWxpo is an event free of chanrge for all BLM Wild Mustangs run by the Adopt-A-Horse Program. Along with the showcasing of the adopted mustags, they also offer wild horses for adoption.
Our Mustangs did really good this past weekend.
Jennifer & Jesse James got first place in Youth Showmanship and 6th in Yearling Trail.
Virginia & Bucephalus got 6th place in youth showmanship.
Virginia & Relay got 5th in western pleasure, 5th in barrel racing and 6th in pole bending.
Then you have me. As I am 17 years old, I had to compete in the adult classes. It was tough, but my horses still worked really hard and did really good for me. I can always rely on my mustangs to be there for me. Jesse James & I got 2nd in adult showmanship & first in yearling trail! Very proud of my little boy! He was so good everybody loved him! I also competed on Relay, we got 4th in Adult Trail, 6th in poles and 5th in barrels. Very proud of him too! He's never done poles or barrels before but he was such an amazing horse I love my mustangs so much!
This weekend also marked Bucephalus's new life away from me, I'll miss him dearly, but I know he's happy where he is now.
Also, there was a huge costume contest where we dress up our horses! Jennifer wanted Jesse to be a dragon so we made a dragon costume for Jesse to wear and a princes costume for Jennifer. It was quite adorable. We ended up laying him down and getting so memorable photo's of the two of them. Jesse really has become a part of our family. I hope I get to keep him for a long long time.