Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jesse James Makes Top 5 out of 66 Youth!

Jesse running away with the loot!

Jesse did absolutely fabulous in Fort Worth! This year the two of us made the finals and showed off all our hard work.  I am very proud of him and he's an amazing little horse!

I also wanted to share what an amazing job ALL of the youth did! My little sister got 5th place in her age division and her horse went to a wonderful new home in California.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover 2012 Preliminaries!

My little sister Jennifer getting ready to show Hoof Prince.

Jennifer showing Hoof Prince in the Pattern Class.

Jesse and I entering the arena.

Jesse backing up in the pattern class.

The ANTICIPATION who will make the top 20 in the finals?

The Extreme Mustang Makeover Trailer.

Well after two days of competing i'm am proud to say that Jesse and I made it in to the Top 20! Actually we even made it into the top ten! Which means tomorrow morning we will be competing for $15,000. Wish us luck!

Also very proud of ALL the youth and ALL their mustangs! Everybody did a wonderful job and congratulations to those who made it to the Top 20!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Mustang Madness" Day 115

For my job as Mustang Trainer Representative, I try to get the word out about mustangs as best as I can.  So today my friends and family brought our Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover horses to our Cowboy Church and did a little demonstration with them. With only a little over a week left before the competition, this was great exposure for our young horses.  All of the horses did an awesome job and everybody was very impressed with how far we had come with them in such a short time.